The Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce is proud to Sponsor the Ladysmith Tour de Rock – Adopt a Rider 2017 program! This is a win win opportunity to show your support for this most inspirational fundraising event as well as promote your business.
Another year has come and gone and here I am again! Last year you or your business supported Tour de Rock Adopt a Rider, so I wanted to touch base with you first about this year.
This year marks the 20th year for Tour de Rock, a two-week, 1,000-kilometre bike ride to raise money to fight childhood cancer.
Since 1998, 314 police officers have been named to the Tour de Rock team, along with 44 others, including childhood cancer survivors, longtime volunteers and members of the media who tell the story.
The Ladysmith Tour de Rock committee is once again looking for sponsors to adopt each of the 24 Tour de Rock riders for $75 each. The majority of this money goes to Cops for Cancer, which funds paediatric cancer research as well as sending kids with a history of cancer along with their families to Camp Goodtimes – where they get to be ‘kids’ for a week! A small portion pays for the riders dinner at the Ladysmith Red Serge dinner held on October 2nd.
Your sponsorship gets you a sign with you or your businesses name and your adopted rider’s name printed on, that can be held up by you or a volunteer that welcomes the riders into town on October 2nd, and a picture taken with your rider.
If you or your business would like to ‘Adopt a Rider’ please let me know. You can make cheques payable to Tour de Rock Ladysmith and mail them to Teresa McKinley PO Box 1594, Ladysmith, BC, V9G 1B2 . If you have questions or would like to arrange a pick-up of cash or cheque, please email Teresa at or phone/lv message eves 250-245-7872. Please have all funds to me by September 21st so we have time to get the signs printed.
If you would like a tax receipt from the Canadian Cancer Society, please download and fill out this TDR Adopt a Rider Form, or email me your mailing address.
Thank you!
Teresa McKinley
Ladysmith Tour de Rock Committee