Where would our community be without volunteers?
As national Volunteer Week in Canada winds down, just think of all the essential services that could not happen in Ladysmith without volunteers. No support programs like Boys & Girls Club, LAFF or Ladysmith Resources Centre Association and other groups. No sports or arts programs for our kids. No playgrounds. No seniors’ centre. No festivals.
There’s no doubt, then, that Ladysmith is a very special place to live thanks largely to the thousands of hours given to our community by people who care about one another.
Here at the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, we’re also fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers.
A shout-out goes to our recently elected Board of Directors: Alana Newton, Mike Hooper, John de Leeuw, Jennifer Ostle, Rob Waters, Sean Dunlop, Trent Kaese, Dave Stalker, Dave Nicolson and Tammy Swidrowich. They give tirelessly to coordinate and strengthen the business climate in Ladysmith and the surrounding area.
Outgoing Board members Michael Furlot, Cyndi Beaulieu, Rick Morencie and Aaron Stone (who is keeping busy in some other endeavor these days!) also deserve thanks for years of outstanding service.
All the Chamber’s good work couldn’t happen, of course, without the contributions of our membership. Our various committees and task forces, our roundtable forums, our networking and fundraising events — they’re all possible because of tremendous volunteer support.
The work never stops, though, so we’re appealing for more help.
Our Visitor Centre needs you. We are rapidly approaching the busy tourist season and want to add volunteer Visitor Information Counsellors to expand our services. The positions require a three- to four-hour weekly shift providing tourist and travel information to people visiting the Island.
Bragging about the great things to see and do in your community is a remarkably fun way to spend a morning or afternoon. If you’re interested, please call us at the office at 250-245-2112.
And while you’re at it, take a moment to reflect on how wonderful this little town of our is — and how volunteerism is at the very heart of all that makes us great.