We are reaching out to our Members on behalf of the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce and the Ladysmith Downtown Business Association. Together our organizations are continuing to collaborate on the shop local campaign initiative.
We are very excited about this initiative and are looking for businesses that would like to be part of our 2022 campaign, Locals Love Ladysmith.
This campaign will profile a business in town with a photo and a narrative of how they managed to change or continue to grow their business through the pandemic and how they will need support of local residents to help their business thrive through 2022.
Each business will have an ad featured on social media boosted to our surrounding communities for maximum exposure.
We would like to come in and do a quick photoshoot and interview. You may choose to be on camera, but if you would prefer not to be we will grab other photos of your choice of your business.
Please email or call (250-245-21112) to let us know if you would like to be a part of this wonderful campaign, and we can sort a time to meet.