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Ladysmith Chamber ED Report: October 2022

By October 11, 2022Resources

Ladysmith Chamber ED Report: October 2022

Happy October!

This is such a beautiful time of year in Ladysmith and as you can see by this newsletter, a very busy time of year at the Chamber!

We have had a successful first offering of Governance Training – Board Governance Overview with Deb McLelland of OnBoard Training. After the first session, it was easy to see why Deb is known as the “Governance Guru”! With such positive feedback, our Board is entertaining the option of offering it again next year! So, if you missed out this time, we hope you can join us for the next one!

I recently had the opportunity to attend two caucus meetings with the BC Chamber in preparation for the Canadian Chamber AGM. We reviewed the policies that will be brought forward to the Canadian Chamber that have been submitted by Chambers of Commerce all over Canada. It was so interesting! It is amazing how small our big Country is in that how similar issues are across the country. We are the voice for local business locally, Provincially and Federally.

Moving forward with your Chamber. I don’t need to remind everyone that alot has changed in business and society over the past few years and the Chamber has not been immune to the changes. The motto for BC Chamber is Focus Forward. I love this and feel that is exactly what we are doing at the Ladysmith Chamber.

As we Focus Forward, we are planning a winter schedule that includes social networking events in person – Business after Business. Educational events in person – Lunch and Learn. Educational opportunities on-line – Ice Cubed.

Business after Business: Would you like to host one? Would you like to partner with another business to host one? Let me know.
Lunch and Learn: Would you like to speak at a lunch and learn? Would like to sponsor one? Is there a topic you are interested in? Let me know.
IceCubed: One very positive change that has come about is zoom. This opens so many doors educationally as we now have more affordable access to programs and speakers that are not local. In addition to the wealth of knowledge amongst our members, we have access to training through the BC Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the BC Chamber Executives, all of which can be offered through online seminars. Keep your eyes out for these offerings through the winter months.

Is there something you would like to see us host this winter?  Please do not hesitate to reach out with your ideas. I invite your calls (250-245-2112), emails or for you to drop by and let me know how the Chamber can support your business.

Have a bit of extra time or an interest in the Chamber? You don’t have to be a director to be involved. If you would like to contribute your time to an event or be on a committee, we have plenty of volunteer opportunities for you.

Millie Stirling (she/her)

Executive Director

(250) 245 – 2112