This message is to provide an update and reminder of the upcoming March 1, 2022 deadline for non-domestic groundwater users to apply for a water licence for those who started using groundwater from a well or dugout before March 1, 2016.
The Province has conducted advertising, and completed numerous mailouts and phone calls to groundwater users over the past 5 years. However, many existing groundwater users have not yet applied, which will have consequences on water security for businesses and livelihoods that depend on groundwater resources. The Province is continuing outreach activities to try to reach as many potential applicants as possible.
There are many categories of non-domestic users, but the sector that we would like to reach in the Cowichan Valley is commercial and industrial users, who appear to be underrepresented as applicants. This category includes commercial enterprises, small to large home-based businesses, stratas, golf courses, green houses and nurseries, gravel pits and sawmills to name a few.
Attached are some resources that can be used to help promote groundwater licensing. Other jurisdictions and agencies are using these resources to create posts on websites or social media, emails to key business organizations, and information packages to organization members.
Minister Conroy tweeted a reminder about the deadline on January 11, 2022 here: This could be re-tweeted or shared. There is also a video on how to apply here:
FrontCounter BC is here to help. Please call 1-877-855-3222 or email