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Junior Achievement at Ladysmith Intermediate Programs

By March 19, 2018Uncategorized

Junior Achievement at Ladysmith Intermediate Programs

Junior Achievement British Columbia-JABC- , is part of an international non-profit organization that delivers business-training programs to schools through volunteers from local business organizations. JABC programs are FREE to the schools. The programs provide youth with the skills to make better financial decisions, start a company, develop a career plan and express their innovative spirit. 

Ladysmith Intermediate requires two additional Volunteer facilitators; 

Grade 5 students are participating in the “Our Business World”- OBW program  By the end of the OBW program, students understand how a business operates and creates profit. This will inspire them to ask, “Do I have what it takes to become an entrepreneur?” as next year, it is their turn to experience Business of Our Own program, where they will learn to run their OWN business.

Start week: April 23rd – Volunteers are required to attend four times, once per week to deliver the program. YOU are with the program kit, the four lesson PPTs and training to fully prepare them for the classroom.

Check out further information at

Please contact: Gail Stroud, Program Coordinator, Central & North Vancouver Island – 250-510-7671   



The Business of Our Students SALE DATE week of May 25th 2018.



If interested, please contact: