Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) has released their 2018/19 Annual Report. The report includes a story about an ongoing economic development project that ICET is helping to fund in our community – the Ladysmith Investment Attraction Tools initiative. This project is the result of a collaboration of a number of local organizations including the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, the Town of
Ladysmith, Economic Development Cowichan, Ladysmith Downtown Business Association, Nanaimo Airport
Authority, Stz’uminus First Nation and Community Futures Central Vancouver Island. The end result of this project will be an investment attraction website, featuring an innovative app, that will provide visitors and potential investors with a mobile database of on-the-spot information about tourism, relocation and investment opportunities in the community. Have a look at the report to find about more about this project and all the other amazing work that ICET accomplishes in the region. If you want more information about the Investment Attraction Tools initiative don’t hesitate to reach out to our Executive Director, Mark Drysdale, for more information. 250-245-2112 or email.