Looking to boost your sales?
Get involved with your Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce.
Here’s the connection: A consumer study shows that participation in local Chamber activities is a good strategy for small business owners. In fact, it can be your competitive advantage.
When your company promotes that it is highly involved in its chamber (as one of our board or committee members, for example), consumers are 12 per cent more likely to think that your products stack up better against your competition.
Involvement with your Chamber also infers to buyers that your business is trustworthy and an industry leader.
There are many more interesting findings. The study, which was done by the U.S. consulting firm Schapiro Group, found that entrepreneurs who are active in their local Chamber of Commerce are more effective in conveying that they:
- Use good business practices
- Are reputable
- Care about their customers
- Are involved in their community
Doesn’t that sound like the brand we all want to have for our businesses?
If you want to make it happen, we’ve got plenty of opportunities for your involvement here at the Chamber. We’ve got committees and events that need volunteers.
We’re also very open to hearing your ideas about how you’d like to participate in our mission to enhance Ladysmith and the surrounding area. Give us a call or send us an email.
We’ll happily send you a copy of the Schapiro study, so you can see for yourself the many benefits of working alongside us.
Remember: You are not only helping our community by being part of our activities. You’re also helping your bottom line.