“Concern For Our Harbour Day” on Sunday July 19, 2015 at 1 p.m. Concerned citizens will assemble in small craft around the Viki Lyne II located in Ladysmith Harbour Water Lot 651 to draw attention to the imminent polluting of our waters. Persons without boats will assemble on the shore of Slack Point, off Transfer Beach.
The Federal government needs to hear from us. Our beaches, sea life and harbour industries are in peril. The vessel Viki Lyne II is in imminent danger of sinking with 13,000 liters of oil and solvents on board. (See TAKE 5 Newsmagazine July issue and the Ladysmith Chronicle, June 6 issue). Come join other concerned citizens who are going to express their disapproval of this situation and are going to make a statement to the Federal government by forming a flotilla of small vessels (dingies, row boats, kayaks etc) off the bow of the Viki Lyne II on Sunday, July 19/15 at 1 PM. All levels of Government have been informed as well the Canadian Coast Guard.
Please do not obstruct the navigation of any vessels inbound or outbound in Ladysmith harbour and ensure your own safety with the appropriate personal flotation devices. Small vessels can be launched at the boat launch just north of the Ladysmith Maritime Society. Persons without boats may participate by attending on the shore of Slack Point. We need to make some noise.
For more information please visit or email Rob Pinkerton at