BC Chamber Collective Prosperity Survey
Make Sure Your Voice is Heard
Every year, our Collective Perspective survey takes the pulse on BC’s economic climate.
The survey reaches every sector of BC’s economy-making it one of BC’s most comprehensive economic snapshots.
Results from the survey serve several purposes:
- They inform our advocacy efforts and define how we advance policies that serve BC Businesses
- Results are shared with government, in preparation for the 2019 budget.
- The survey identifies evolving trends over time, and helps our members and partners see where we’ve come from, and where we’re going.
We rely on the business community’s participation to ensure the results reflect the scope of economic activities that make up our province.
Please take the survey – and share with your network.
Make sure your voice is heard. TAKE SURVEY
All respondents will be entered in a draw to win a $500 Air Canada Gift Certificate.
BC Chamber at Work
This first of four reports focuses on topical labour market issues such as skills shortages, barriers to recruitment, challenges with retention of top performers, skills mismatches, and other human resource issues facing businesses in BC today.
The report also summarizes key trends and actions taken by Chamber members to address these issues, including specific office culture practices, skills training, and other human resource solutions. Read the full report here