The Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce & LDBA 3rd Annual Christmas Social was held on Dec 3rd. Thanks Gerry Beltgens for capturing the festive and merry event and to Dean Richards for the fun video recapping our Annual Golf Classic!
Special thank you to Glen Naylor Financial Group, our generous event sponsor, to Cottonwood for the great venue and service, to everyone who donated Auction items and joined us (including Santa!) to Celebrate the Holidays and the past years accomplishments with fellow business people and friends.
Merry Christmas and All the Best in 2020 to all of you!
Special thank you to Glen Naylor Financial Group, our generous event sponsor, to Cottonwood for the great venue and service, to everyone who donated Auction items and joined us (including Santa!) to Celebrate the Holidays and the past years accomplishments with fellow business people and friends.
Merry Christmas and All the Best in 2020 to all of you!
Silent Auction Donation Thank You!
A&W | Butchart Gardens | Chemainus Theatre | Cheri Mactier exp Realty | Chronicle Cottonwood |LDCU | GoTours | Nanaimo Child Development | Palmer Leslie | Parks Recreation & Culture | RBC | Robson O’Connor Law Office