The Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce and the Ladysmith Downtown Business Association (LDBA) are working hard to promote business recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Consumer awareness and confidence in business practices will be a key component of successful recovery. The Chamber and the LDBA are here to help.
An online business directory is being prepared and will be launched to the public on June 1st. The business directory will highlight all businesses that are open and any practices they are implementing to keep themselves and their customers safe. Thank you to the many businesses who have already sent us your information. For those business owners/managers who have not sent us your info we would love to hear from you. Please note there is no charge for this service. If you wish to be listed please submit by email the following information to us:
1. Your business name:
2. Phone number:
3. Website and/or Facebook
4. Business Hours:
5. Anything unique about the way you are operating: (For example: shop by appointment, customer limits, curb-side pickup etc.) Please limit your response to 2-3 sentences.
We are pleased to give you a sneak peek at the directory which is actually part of a larger Investment and Tourism Attraction website which will also be officially launched in early June. You’ll hear more about the official launch soon. Click here to view the directory .
For those businesses who have already sent us your info, and for those who plan to sign up, PLEASE KEEP US UP TO DATE ON ANY CHANGES TO YOUR HOURS AND SERVICES so that the directory remains current and accurate.
We look forward to working with you and your business as we all try to get back on our feet after this incredible challenge. We Ladysmither’s are a resilient bunch and we’ll get through this … together.