Ladysmith, May 12, 2017 – Did you know that one of the most beautiful trees in the world is in Ladysmith and now is the perfect time to view this marvel of nature. Rated as one of the 16 Most Beautiful Trees in the World (just google it – you’ll see) this giant century old Rhododendron is starting to blossom now and will over the next two weeks reach its full glory.
Technically it is not a tree. Rhododendron is a bush but because of its size it is easy to see why it is considered a tree. It is over 30 feet wide, over 25 feet high, and over 115 years old and still growing. During this time of the year it can be covered with more than 4,000 vibrant blossoms. Rumored to have come across to Ladysmith by a sailing ship from Scotland. This giant is sometimes referred to as “Lady Cynthia”. This because she is of the variety of Rhododendron commonly called Cynthia, and is one of Ladysmith’s most beautiful Ladies.
While visiting Ladysmith be sure to check out all the other lovely Rhododendrons, blooming cherry blossom, and dogwood trees around the town. They can be found at both entrances to the Town and in many of the residential yards in Ladysmith.
This giant rhodo can be viewed at 226 Kitchener Street in Ladysmith. You can get directions to the tree from the Ladysmith Visitor Centre in downtown Ladysmith (250-245-2112) at 33 Roberts Street. Or just ask a local. You can see it and learn more about the tree by checking out the You Tube video at
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For further information please call:
Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Centre
T: (250) 245-2112