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Destination BC Supports Community-Based Indigenous Learning & Projects for BC’s Visitor Centres

By November 24, 2022Resources

Destination BC Supports Community-Based Indigenous Learning & Projects for BC’s Visitor Centres

The Ladysmith Chamber is pleased to share that we were one of the 47 Visitor Centres to receive an Indigenous Learning & Projects Grant through Destination BC!  Please stay tuned for the amazing opportunities that will come through this project.

For Immediate Release
November 21, 2022
Destination British Columbia
Destination BC Supports Community-Based Indigenous Learning & Projects
for BC’s Visitor Centres
VANCOUVER—Destination BC is providing $200,000 to 47 community Visitor Centres
across British Columbia through a new Indigenous Learning & Projects Grant for Visitor
Services. This application-based grant program will help Visitor Centre staff in
communities across BC by enhancing relationships and enabling partners to work
collaboratively on projects, activities, and training that will foster a deeper understanding
of Indigenous culture, history, and tourism products.
Working together with over 50 First Nations, Visitor Centre projects range from
Indigenous-led training programs for staff, Indigenous welcome and land
acknowledgement signage, interpretive kiosks, digital content development, art
installations, Indigenous storytelling for visitors, product knowledge tours to local First
Nations tourism products, and more.
Visitor Centres play a pivotal role in providing accurate, insightful, and timely travel
information to those looking to explore communities and experience enriching tourism
activities in British Columbia. In a typical year, community Visitor Centres collectively
serve over 2.9 million visitors at their physical locations, and around their community,
and their staff serve as integral service delivery representatives responsible for
thoughtfully sharing authentic tourism experiences and products.
The Visitor Centres receiving funding are part of Destination BC’s Visitor Services
Network Program. Learn more about the Network Program, here:

Visitor Services

“The partnerships this new grant will support among Indigenous communities in B.C.
and Destination BC’s Visitor Services Network are an incredible opportunity for
meaningful reconciliation. Visitor Centre projects will help to broaden both British
Columbians’ and visitors’ knowledge of local Indigenous culture and heritage.” – Hon.
Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
“The Indigenous Learning & Projects Grant for Visitor Services supports projects and
training that will help ensure Visitor Centre staff enhance their knowledge on ways to
respectfully and appropriately share information with visitors about local Indigenous
culture, history and tourism products. We are excited to see the projects come to fruition
as Visitor Centres around BC endeavor to elevate their approach to visitor services
delivery through a deeper commitment to reconciliation.” – Alison McKay, Vice
President, Destination Management, Destination BC
“Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC) is thrilled to see significant interest from community
Visitor Centres across BC in Destination BC’s Indigenous Learning & Projects Grant for
Visitor Services. ITBC recognizes the meaningful role Visitor Centres play in creating
quality visitor experiences that respectfully share the cultural diversity of BC with visitors
to the province. We look forward to seeing Visitor Services teams work collaboratively
with First Nations communities to enhance the range of Indigenous-led training
programs available to Visitor Centre staff across BC.”
– Paula Amos, Chief Marketing and Development Officer, Indigenous Tourism BC
About Destination BC:
Destination British Columbia (Destination BC) is a Provincially funded, industry-led
Crown corporation that supports a strong and competitive future for BC’s tourism
industry through a combination of global marketing, destination development, industry
learning, cooperative community-based programs, and visitor servicing. Destination
BC’s programs help to improve the visitor experience, support businesses and
communities across the province, and strengthen BC’s worldwide reputation as a
destination of choice. For more information about Destination BC’s programs and
services, please visit:
For additional information, please contact:
Destination BC Media Relations