If you are the owner of an incorporated business you will want to take advantage of one or both of these opportunities to find out how the federal government’s proposed tax changes may affect you. The consultation period ends soon (Oct. 2nd, 2017) and there are some things that can be done that may influence the government’s decision making process.
1. Join us for a coffee discussion with Chamber President, Tammy Leslie of Palmer Leslie Chartered Professional Accountants.
Tammy will provide a quick overview of how the proposed tax changes may affect you and will answer questions to the best of her ability. We will also suggest ways in which you may affect the decision making process by providing feedback to the government before the end of the consultation period on Oct. 2nd.
Location: Ladysmith Chamber Office (33 Roberts Street)
Date: Thursday, Sept. 28th
Time: 8 to 9 am
Cost: Free
RSVP by email or call the Chamber Office at 250.245.2112
2. The Duncan Cowichan Chamber invites you to a Session on the “Impact of Proposed Tax Changes on Your Business”
Date: September 27, 2017
Time:12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location: Vancouver Island University – Cowichan Campus. 2011 University Way, Duncan BC MAP (in the theatre, main floor, by the Café)
Contact Information: RSVP to Elizabeth Croft at 250.748.1111 or
Cost: Free to Chamber Members
Website:Grant Thorton LLP
Event Description:
The Liberal Government recently announced proposed changes to tax planning using private corporations.
These legislative proposals are the most impactful proposals since 1972. They will impact a very large number of private company shareholders – in how they pay themselves as well as how they structure their businesses. Presenters Tara Benham and Dawn Tipton, of Grant Thorton LLP, will:
These legislative proposals are the most impactful proposals since 1972. They will impact a very large number of private company shareholders – in how they pay themselves as well as how they structure their businesses. Presenters Tara Benham and Dawn Tipton, of Grant Thorton LLP, will:
1 Give you an overview of the new rules.
2. Discuss the technical difficulties of the proposed changes to tax planning for private corporations including reviewing scenarios that no longer work under the proposed amendments
3. Discuss next steps and considerations for client conversation
If any of you would like to carpool, please contact the Ladysmith Chamber Office 250-245-2112.