The Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce values your trust and confidence and sincerely appreciates your loyalty and support through your Membership.
Normally in December the team at the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce is busy sending out invoices for the subsequent year’s membership fees. With the past year of continued uncertainty we are going to hold off sending these out until the New Year again.
Last year we offered some options to help sting out of payment for those who were particularly hard hit. The following options will continue to be available this year.
1. Choose a new Anniversary Renewal Date – Normally all memberships required renewal on January 1st whether that was a good time for your business or not. Now you can set a new anniversary date (that makes sense for your businesses cash flow on an ongoing basis). We will invoice you for the interim period from January 1 to your new anniversary date on a prorated basis. Then invoice you annually on your anniversary date from then on.
2. Installment Payments – You will be able to opt for quarterly installment payments to reduce the stress on your cash flow.
Additional Flexibility – If neither of the options above help we will work with you one-on-one to find a solution that will work. Now more than ever we need to work together and for one another and the Ladysmith Chamber pledges to do all we can to make your membership work for you moving forward.
We look forward to working with you again. Here are just some of the incentives that are included with your Membership.
For now all we want is for you to enjoy your Holiday Season. Be healthy, happy and safe. And let’s look forward to making 2022 a year of recovery and prosperity.