Through the hard work of our team at the Ladysmith Chamber, and in close collaboration with the LDBA, we were able to submit an application for the BC Chambers ‘Shop Local BC’ Initiative. We are excited to announce that we have received our full funding ask of almost $60,000!
These funds will be used to support ongoing shop local events and create new opportunities for the Ladysmith Chamber and the Ladysmith Downtown Business Association to support the businesses and entrepreneurs that make our community the unique and vibrant place that it is.
This Shop Local BC initiative is supported by the Government of Canada’s Strategic Activities Program, administered by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and delivered through the BC Chamber of Commerce. We are incredibly grateful to the BC Chamber for this opportunity! Stay tuned to our channels for upcoming announcements in the coming months!
With the arrival of the holiday season, be sure to support the local stores and businesses in your community and shop local! Ladysmith has so many wonderful businesses for unique holiday gifts and supplies.
#ShopLocalLadysmith #ShopLocal #BCChamber #LDBA #LadysmithChamber